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Автор Kaufman, Alan, S.
Дата выпуска 1984
dc.description This article represents an integrated response to the 13 invited articles on the K-ABC, all of which were written by experts in diverse domains of research, theory, and applications of intelligence tests; altogether, this invited response and the 13 papers constitute a special issue of the Journal of Special Education devoted to the K-ABC. This paper is organized by topic and treats the following seven areas: validity of the K-ABC, theory underlying the intelligence portion of the battery, role of the clinician in intellectual assessment, distinction between ability and achievement in the K-ABC, evaluation of alternate models, remedial applications of the sequential-simultaneous processing dichotomy, and understanding black-white differences on the K-ABC.
Издатель Sage Publications
Название K-ABC and Controversy
Тип Journal Article
DOI 10.1177/002246698401800317
Print ISSN 0022-4669
Журнал Journal of Special Education
Том 18
Первая страница 409
Последняя страница 444
Аффилиация Kaufman, Alan, S., California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, University of Alabama
Выпуск 3
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